CIce2Clouds brings together sea-ice biogeochemists and atmospheric chemists to study
the coupled ocean – sea-ice – snow – atmosphere (O-SI-S-A) system
The membership composition is designed to encompass scientific discipline, geographical location, gender, and career stage as well as to represent countries with established and emerging polar programs.
Megan Willis, USA (Early Career Scientist), Polar aerosol formation and atmospheric chemistry
Nadja Steiner, Canada (Senior Scientist), Sea-ice & ocean biogeochemical modeling
Full members
Early Career Scientists (ECS)
Hakase Hayashida, Australia, Sea-ice & ocean biogeochemical modeling
Odile Crabeck, Belgium, Sea ice biogeochemistry and gas exchange
Senior Scientists
Markus Frey, UK, Polar atmospheric, Snow & ice core chemistry measurements
Anoop S. Mahajan, India, Polar atmospheric chemistry
Daiki Nomura, Japan, Atmosphere-sea-ice interaction for gases
Jennie Thomas, France, Polar atmospheric chemistry modeling
Liyang Zhan, China, Ocean-ice-atmosphere gas exchange
Raul R. Cordero, Chile, Remote sensing of aerosol and cloud
Associate members
Early Career Scientists (ECS)
Jessie Creamean, USA, Polar aerosol-cloud interactions, ice nucleation
Srishti Dasarathy, USA, Marine aerosol and remote sensing
Inge Deschepper, Canada/South Africa, Sea-ice ocean biogeochemical modelling
Sakiko Ishino, Japan, Atmospheric chemistry in polar regions
Louis Marelle, Norway/France, Modelling aerosol-cloud interactions in polar regions
Esty Willcox, Canada, Sea-ice interface geochemistry measurements
Hyung-Gyu Lim, USA/Korea, biogeochimacal process and climate feedback
Senior Scientists
Thorsten Bartels-Rausch, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland, Chemistry and micro-physics in ice/snow
Bruno Delille, Belgium, Ocean-ice-atmosphere gas exchange measurements
Francois Fripiat, Belgium, Sea-ice and ocean biogeochemistry measurements
Klaus Meiners, Australia, Coupled sea-ice physical-chemical-biological processes, sea-ice optics
Lisa Miller, Canada, Sea-ice chemistry measurements
Ilka Peeken, Germany, Sea-ice biogeochemistry
Jacqueline Stefels, Netherland/ Germany, Sea-ice & ocean biogeochemistry & DMS fluxes
Marcello Vichi, South Africa, Sea-ice physics and biogeochemistry
Paul Zieger, Sweden, Aerosol-cloud interactions in polar and pristine regions